Friday, November 14, 2008


In "The Book Thief", after Liesel realizes that she would never see her mother again, there is a quote which really gives me a strong impression and connection towards my life.

"No matter how many times she tried to imagine that scene with the yellow light that she knew had been there, she had to struggle to visualize it"(P.100).

Liesel has been facing so many challenges and struggles in her life, her brother has died in front of her, and she is abandoned by her mother. However, Liesel doesn't give up or complain for these tragical experiences that have happened to her. She knows that she has to fight for the darkness and fight for her own life. She goes to school and learning, reading with her foseter father after a nightmare at the midnight.

For me, I could fairly understand Liesel's feeling, the depression of losing family's members and how stressful and difficult to learn a language. Sometimes, I feel so frustrated and get tired to handle my disappointment from learning. But choosing to study in a new country and learning an unfamiliar language is what I have decided. I appreciate what I have had in my life. I know that I have to beat the challenges and struggles for myself. Also, I believe that there is a light which would gently guide the direction for me to the success.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Here is a special person that I would like to make this profiles of her, my dearest sister, Rita Lo.

My sister is six years older than me, and she is twenty-four years old now. She is a mother of a little girl and soon there will be two at the end of the year! I would say that she is a excellent cooker in our house, she always loves to cook or bake some delicious foods for us. My sister and I look pretty similar when we are children. But there is one thing that make us completely different from each other, she has a vivacious and extroverted personality which I do not have it. She enjoy making new friends, trying new experiences and has a friendly smile with her all the time. However, the stronger personality of her sometimes freaked me out because the indignation would be appeared directly on her face when she is angry.

Actually, we never have a serious argument or fight with each other, maybe the opposite personality unexpectedly helps me having a more intemately relationship with her. My sister teaches me a lot of things toward the life and always be my best friend in the world.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The critical apathy towards the sufferers

In the short story, “The Lottery”, gives the readers a surprisingly ending that the villagers are throwing stones at a girl and beat her into death. In general, we always believe that terrible matters are done by abnormal people, but somehow our history records have proven that this concept of terrorists is wrong. The most dangerous person is always the one who seems to be normal. This story also brings us a concept about the vacuously fallowed of tradition. People hold the tradition event for no reason and believe that they are supposed to do because everyone else is doing it. It reminds me of real life, we always tend to follow other people without a particular reason. We follow the fashion, we buy cell phones, iPods or cars which just because everyone has them, and we suppose to do so.

Elie Wiesel’s speech and “The Lottery” both show the same theme about the indifference toward the sufferer. In the story of “The Lottery”, when the girl is being attacked by the stones, nobody is cared about her feeling or speak out to stop this terrible abuse. Also, there are plenty of examples in Elie’s speech that indicates people’s indifference of those tragic victims. Such as St. Louis affair, the ship which carried numbers of Jews was sent back by the United State, the greatest democracy country.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate Review

Salted caremel hot chocolate, the new choices of Starbucks' hot chocolate drink. During a chilly and windly day, I hold this unique drink which I never had before, wondering about the word "salted" in its title. How could a salted flavor combine with sweet chocolate? Now, let me tell you this incredible experience that I have been through. Looking at the pure white cream floats upon the hot chocolate, with some caramel and salts on the top, I sip a bit of it. At this moment, my sense of taste is strongly attacked by the creamy chocolate flavor. The salted and sweet flavors are mixed into an absolutely delectable taste. Moreover, there also have some chocolate's original bitter flavor which is the best part of this drink. The hot chocolate smoothly flows through my tongue and throat, and suddenly warms my tremble body.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Top 3 Characters and Person

The top three characters and person that I decied to present toward you are the famous cartoon characters, Stitch and Donald Duck, and my little sweet nices,Lola. These three characters and person have influenced me and made my life more amusedly. Now, I will show you the reasons why I am choosing them as my top three.

#3 Stitch

Stitch is a manical little monster from outer space and is adopted by a lonely little gril called, Lilo who living with her older sister in beautiful Hawaii. Through the sroty of Stitch, they prove that family is family, no matter how out of this world some of the member might be. This is very significant to me because family is the most important thing in my life, and the humorous characterterize of Stitch is also a reason why I love it so much.

#2 Donald Duck
Donald Duck is a white anthropomorphic duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He usually wears a sailor shirt, cap, and a red bowtie, but no pants (except when he goes swimming). Donald's most famous trait is his easily provoked and occasionally explosive temper. Also, his identifiable voice is a very arresting characteristic. The picture on the bottom is a Donald's cup which is a present from my sister. This is my favorite cup that I am used to drinking coffee every morning. Look at its long handle arm and cute bum, isn't it a wonderful cup in the world!


Who is this girl that catches my attention every day?

Her name is Lola, she is my sister's daughter and is almost two years old now. Lola is a very vivacious and amusing sweetheart in our house. She can always make me laugh when I have an awful day. Although sometimes she is an evil little monster crying and screaming while everyone is feeling tired to deal with her. However, she still be my number one person on the list becouse she just an adorable girl that I never met before!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What I would use blogs for?

I have been using blog to express my ideas or use it as a diary for several years. I find out that this is a excellent way to share our own experiences or oponions to other people. But how I would use this blog for? First of all, I don't want this blog to be restrained or for marked, I hope I could have the freedom to share some perticulater subject that I think is interesting or significant to me,such as movies, books or music. It will inculde the introduction of the subject and also my oponions. Through this blog, it will certainly shows my thought and my personality.

Friday, September 5, 2008


If I could have a superpower in the world, it would be a power that could take me through over the world that I want at anytime. With is power, it could help me save plenty of time and travel to different countries. Maybe I am in Canada now, but next moment I will be appeared in somewhere far away from Canada. I could use is special power to meet my friends and families in a very short time. Also, the power could help me save money too! Because I don't need to pay any money for the buses and gasoline. Therefore, I choice this superpower for myself and it would be so amazing if I own it.