Friday, November 14, 2008


In "The Book Thief", after Liesel realizes that she would never see her mother again, there is a quote which really gives me a strong impression and connection towards my life.

"No matter how many times she tried to imagine that scene with the yellow light that she knew had been there, she had to struggle to visualize it"(P.100).

Liesel has been facing so many challenges and struggles in her life, her brother has died in front of her, and she is abandoned by her mother. However, Liesel doesn't give up or complain for these tragical experiences that have happened to her. She knows that she has to fight for the darkness and fight for her own life. She goes to school and learning, reading with her foseter father after a nightmare at the midnight.

For me, I could fairly understand Liesel's feeling, the depression of losing family's members and how stressful and difficult to learn a language. Sometimes, I feel so frustrated and get tired to handle my disappointment from learning. But choosing to study in a new country and learning an unfamiliar language is what I have decided. I appreciate what I have had in my life. I know that I have to beat the challenges and struggles for myself. Also, I believe that there is a light which would gently guide the direction for me to the success.

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